Photos courtesy of The Catskills Institute at Northeastern University.

Welcome to the Catskills Borscht Belt Museum Oral History Project! We are dedicated to preserving the rich history and vibrant memories of the Borscht Belt resort hotels and bungalow colonies that once thrived in the Catskills. We invite you to share your unique stories and memories.

To participate, reserve a time slot below to record your story in an online video interview. During your scheduled session, we will guide you through the process, ensuring that your story is captured with care and respect.

Online Participation with TheirStory: The Borscht Belt Museum is proud to partner with TheirStory, a platform dedicated to empowering communities to preserve their own narratives. Through TheirStory, you can speak live to a museum representative and share your memories from the comfort of your own home.

We kindly ask that participants prepare for their online recording session by reviewing the questions below. Your preparedness will help ensure that your story shines brightly within the Borscht Belt legacy. Thank you for being a part of this invaluable project!

Here are our suggested questions. Answer one, some or come up with your own.

1. Share a memorable story or anecdote from your time spent in the Borscht Belt resort hotels or bungalow colonies. What made it particularly memorable or unique?

2. What was your favorite aspect of the Borscht Belt experience? Was there a particular activity, performance, or tradition that stands out in your memory?

3. How did you or your family come to discover the Borscht Belt? What led you to choose it as a vacation destination or a place to work? Did you have any expectations or preconceptions that were either confirmed or shattered during your time there?

4. In your opinion, what made the Borscht Belt resort hotels and bungalow colonies such a special and vibrant community? Were there any specific interactions or relationships that left a lasting impression on you?

5. Can you describe the atmosphere and camaraderie among staff members or guests in the Borscht Belt? Were there any notable characters, personalities or family members that stood out during your time there? How did the dynamics of the community shape your experience?

Please feel free to share any additional stories, memories, or insights that you believe are important for preserving the rich history and experiences of the Borscht Belt. Your participation in the oral history project is invaluable in helping us capture and celebrate the spirit of this cherished era.

Please note that by participating in the oral history project, the audio and content of your recording will become the property of the Catskills Borscht Belt Museum. Your stories will be preserved in our archive, contributing to the collective memory of this remarkable era.

